Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Our new Easter tradition. Low on sugar since Nutmeg is allergic and the kids got oodles of chocolate in their basket.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I know the secret!

Me: " Osito, see this purple egg that you made that didn't turn out, can we try to make it pink?"
Osito: (without a pause) Yes, I want to make it pretty for you.

He also picked flowers for me today. I am such a lucky mom.

P.S. See those really, really red eggs? I know the secret!
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We have a little copycat in the house. We frequently find Nutmeg sitting quietly mimicking other members of the house. She does things like sewing, putting on makeup, or washing dishes. The cutest occasion was when I was blow drying my hair and she had her hand up by her head. I thought she was signing "potty" I asked if she needed to go and she said "No." Then I picked up my brush and she put her other hand up and then I realized she was blow drying her hair.
This is a picture of her sitting with Moose, playing on her "computer" twirling her whiskers!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

A lesson is stepping out of the way

Piggy banks, a sordid affair in our home, Roo broke into (literally) Osito's one day and ever since then we have had one very ugly piggy bank that is now MIA. I spotted these nice red ones at Winco for $1.98. Usually just plain blank white ones are $10 so I grabbed 2. They both chose Red so embellishment was needed to prevent confusion, theft and bickering. I wanted to just have them "help" me paint their names. I invisioned them WATCHING me paint the names. Roo took me literally and had a grand old plan for his pig. I really wanted 2 nice matching pigs. I tried to convince him to just paint his name, then to at least do the stripes in the same direction. Finally I bit my tongue and let him have his way. I am glad I did because he was very pleased with it.